Boarding and Barn Rentals

Standard Full Care Board

Our standard full care boarding package includes a stall, 24/7 turnout (aside from inclement weather and/or feedings), twice daily feedings of Mill Smart Complete (or grain provided by owner), hay, shavings, daily care, and use of all amenities.

Starting at $600 a month

12/12 Full Care Board

Our 12/12 full care boarding package includes a stall, 12 hours stalled and 12 hours of turnout, twice daily feedings of Mill Smart Complete (or grain provided by owner), hay, shavings, daily care, and use of all amenities.

Starting at $800 a month

Full Care Training Board

We offer an array of training options based on your horse’s experience, preference, and discipline. Our trainer will create a personalized training plan for your horse based on their specific needs. We offer two types of training board partial and full. Partial training includes three rides a week and full training includes five rides per week. Training board includes a stall, field turnout, access to our heated tack room, feed room, hay, bedding, grain, daily care, twice daily feedings of our grain Mill Smart complete (or grain provided by owner), and use of all amenities.

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Barn Rental

The bank barn is perfect for a small lesson program, training program, or personal horse board. The barn offers a private setting while still being close to the facilities amenities. Rent includes 8 matted stalls, field(s), tack and feed room, additional storage, and use of amenities. The bank barn is equipped with water and electric.

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